10x your impact, revenue & growth with the power of Reiki Energy

Experience a massive shift in your reality with the Quantum Reiki Healing and become a certified healer to help more people & skyrocket your coaching career by touch 5-6 fig income/month effortlessly

Are you tired of circling around the same loop, hoping to find real solution that can permanently end your repetitive struggles in different areas in life and start afresh as a new person who impacts everyone around you positively with his/her uplifting energy but failing to do so?


Are you struggling as a coach to upskill & scale your coaching business to 6-fig while giving permanent results to your clients?


Are you a homemaker looking to unlock financial freedom by starting something of your own?


Are you a 9 to 5 employee looking to create a side hustle that doesn’t require heavy investment and gives a deep sense of satisfaction?


Are you a businessman/freelancer/self-employed looking to develop one more source of income that is evergreen in nature and doesn’t get affected by any economic ups & downs?


Are you looking to heal all your health, wealth, career & relationship problems without investing on hours of therapy or counselling?

Your search ends here!


Quantum Reiki Healing Certification

A 2-month journey of taking the quantum jump into creating your dreams a permanent reality while impacting millions of lives with your healing powers as a certified Level 1 & Level 2 Reiki Healer.


People into healing their deepest inner blocks using healing


Annual income with 7-fig monthly income in 8 months as a Life Coach


LIVE sessions for Reiki & Chakra Healing


LIVE sessions for Reiki & Chakra Healing

Look what people have experienced with Reiki✌️

I have spent years of time, money & effort into mastering this one and only modality that gives real solution to any and every situation of life!

Reiki is meant for you if…


SELF & FAMILY HEALING: If you wish to learn an alternative therapy for taking care of you & your loved ones emotional & physical health.


FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE: If you are a homemaker and want to get financially independent with minimum possible investment.


TIME, PLACE & FINANCIAL FREEDOM: If you are a working professional who wishes to quit but unable to do so due to financial commitment.


SIDE HUSTLE: If you are a working professional who wishes to start a side hustle just by investing 2 to 3 hours every day.


SCALE UP: If you are a professional life coach & healer wanting to scale up to multi 6/7 per month income in next few months.

What makes this program unique?

Experience most effective tangible results

Find solutions for each & every health & emotional issue through reiki healing.

Get live attunement given by me, Amrita Kunal Reiki Grandmaster

In case you wish to monetize this knowledge then social media, webinar, seminar strategies, 1:1 clarity calls all this support is given from our end.

Lifetime support in form of monthly live session with me, Amrita Kunal

You get two levels of Reiki Healing Certification & Attunement when you enroll

Level 1

This is base level reiki.

This is meant for self-healing & healing close family members through touch reiki. Here after the attunement reiki healer is equipped to give reiki to self & family members through palm chakra. 

Post level 1 attunement students need to undergo 21 days self-practice that heal them at deepest level.

Miracles start happening at this level itself as far as health issues & emotional trauma reduction are concerned. These miracles play a huge rule in creating strongest belief as a reiki healer.

Scheduled dates & what it will include:

    • 1st level of reiki is meant for healing your own self & healing your family by placing hands on chakras.
    • We will start with our reiki level 1 on Sat 13th May & Sunday 14th May
    • 2 sessions of 2 hour live & lifetime recordings of these sessions will be provided. 
    • 3rd session will be group attunement. 
    • This will be followed by 21 days level 1 practice. 
    • Practice flow of reiki for all chakras will be shared with you all.
    • You all will stay accountable with me on a daily basis through FB group.

Level 2

Reiki Level 2 is all about reiki symbols for healing.

This is mainly used for self, family & distance healing.
At this level healers learn the art of healing person by placing reiki symbols on particular chakras & activating those symbols for the healing purpose.

At this level post attunement, we start with monetization strategies for those who wish to use their knowledge for healing their clients professionally.

Scheduled dates & what it will include:

    • We will start Reiki level 2 on 10th & 11th JUNE. 
    • We will have 2 sessions of live learning,  everything about level 2, reiki symbols, drawing it on writing pads, practicing it along with me till we master during our live session. 
    • Reiki level 2 contains 3 symbols meant for physical health, emotional health & distant reiki. 
    • Once we finish theory part we will have group attunement. From this day you will begin with your self practice of 21 days.
    • Simultaneously we will start with our healer’s practitioner program which is complimentary to you all.
    • All the material notes, recorded sessions, presentations will be saved in our FB group.

And if you want to extend your healing powers to more people & monetize your healing career then you get…

1:1 Healing Guidance

  • How to scale up from 500-1000 per session to 5000 per session.
  • How to create tailormade packages for clients
  • How to select clients.
  • How to get paid in advance (no instalments)
  • How to create breakthroughs in every session.
  • What to do if client is not remembering anything or not feeling anything or is in a denial.
  • The scalability process I followed to build up my practice.

Webinar & Seminar Support

  • Contents for 5/3 days webinar or seminar
  • Contents for 4 weeks journey for your students.
  • Marketing strategies that give you maximum students irrespective of your social media presence.
  • Scale up strategies in our monthly support sessions that push you to progress every month.

Few results from our Reiki Healer’s Community

Wait…there are more exciting bonuses for fast action-takers


  • Session 1: healing the healer within you followed by principles of healing & biggest mistakes healers make in their life.
  • Session 2: 3 layers of healing, 4 categories that all humans fall into.
  • Session 3: An ancient practice where whatever you say comes true. How to achieve that? Abundance principles & abundance sins.
  • Live session 4 secrets of 1:1 healing & webinar/seminar coaching.

Worth Rs 35000/-


  • Everyday healing through chakras
  • Anatomy of consciousness
  • Chakra & physical imbalance 
  • Chakra & emotions & perceptions 
  • Hand written meditation scripts for balancing chakras

Worth Rs 5555/-

The actual price of this 2-month Quantum Reiki Certification Program is

REIKI level 1 & 2 with 100% accountability for 2 months worth INR 50,000/-

Healers Practitioner course worth INR 25,000/-

Chakra Balancing Course worth INR 5555/-

Digital marketing & sales support with scale-up strategies every month worth INR 1,50,000/-

TOTAL COST Rs. 2,70,555/-

But you don’t have to spend anywhere near that


Rs. 1,00,000/-


Rs. 50,000/-

The OFFER price just for today including all bonuses is Rs 39,999/- 



Got some questions?
I have got you covered…

What is reiki?

Reiki is a noninvasive modality that supports both physical & emotion al healing.

Dr. Mikao Usui developed this healing technique in 1920 that is largely used today for healing chronic health issues & emotional traumas.

What is reiki attunement?

Reiki Attunement also known as initiation is an energetic process that opens up your energy fields so that you can be an official channel for reiki healing energy.

What our program includes?

Our 2 months program includes reiki level 1 & level 2, 2 group live attunements given by me to students at each level, 21 days self-practice at both the levels, healer’s practitioner program, monetization, webinar & 1:1 clients healing content strategies followed by lifetime support in form of monthly Q & A sessions.

Level 1

This is base-level reiki.

This is meant for self-healing & healing close family members through touch reiki. Hereafter the attunement reiki healer is equipped to give reiki to self & family members through palm chakra. 

Post level 1 attunement students need to undergo 21 days of self-practice that heal them at the deepest level.

Miracles start happening at this level itself as far as health issues & emotional trauma reduction are concerned. These miracles play a huge role in creating the strongest belief as a reiki healer. 

Level 2

Reiki Level 2 is all about reiki symbols for healing. This is mainly used for self, family & distance healing. At this level, healers learn the art of healing a person by placing reiki symbols on particular chakras & activating those symbols for the healing purpose.

At this level post attunement, we start with monetization strategies for those who wish to use their knowledge for healing their clients professionally.

What is HPP (Healers practitioner program)?

We have complimentary healers’ practitioner that is the base of creating belief as a magical healer. We have 4 sessions in it where we bust the myths related to healing, understand the process of 1:1 & group healing process. At this stage students start with their own reiki practice by following the process created by us. This process leads to establishing them as a professional certified reiki healer in the industry.

What are support sessions?

Post the 2 month program gets over we have our monthly support sessions where we discuss success stories, case studies of clients to resolve & live Q & A.

The idea is healers should feel support & handholding even after the program gets over because this support keeps them going & stay motivated in this journey.

Do I need to know anything about reiki to become a reiki healer?

Absolutely no. Under this program everything is taught from the root level. You just need to have an ability to surrender to this process & have strong belief in yourself. 

I don't know anything about reiki can I still become a certified reiki healer?

Yes you will be understanding everything from a basic level in reiki & by the end of 2nd month you get equipped to heal any chronic health condition through this healing modality.

I am already a level 1 & level 2 healer but unable to practice or monetize it. Can I again take attunement through you?

Yes you certainly can take attunement. Just keep your 1st reiki master in your gratitude while practicing reiki. We have many masters & grandmasters in our community starting afresh from level 1.

Do I have to spend a lot on marketing to earn this 6 figure income?

You do not have to spend ANY MONEY on marketing till you make 6 figure income per month consistently. That’s what we teach you under this reiki program.

Will this be a live coaching or a recorded version?

This will be totally live coaching conducted by Master Amrita Kunal & each session recording will be shared with you after the session.

Is there any support from the mentor & her team after the reiki course gets over?

Yes once the actual 2 months course gets over we will have once-a-month Q & A support sessions conducted live by Master Amrita Kunal.

My family member suffers from cancer/ BP/diabetes/heart problems/arthritis/autoimmune diseases. Can I heal them?

Reiki heals you at your emotional level as every health condition starts 1st at an emotional level & if not healed or released gets manifested into a health condition. So once you understand the emotion associated with the health issues you will be able to heal your loved ones successfully.

Does Reiki work through Zoom sessions (an online medium)?

Yes, reiki is purely energy & energy is not time & place-bound. Distance reiki is as powerful as touch reiki. The effect of your reiki totally depends on how strongly you believe in yourself, your magical healing powers & in this universal energy. We work on creating this belief in you through this program.

How many levels are there in Reiki?

There are 4 levels. 

Level 1 touch reiki.

Level 2 Distance & symbol reiki.

Level 3 Master-level reiki.

Level 4 grandmaster level reiki.

A 2-month journey of taking the quantum jump into creating your dreams a permanent reality while impacting millions of lives with your healing powers as a certified Level 1 & Level 2 Reiki Healer.

Hey, I’m Amrita:
Life Coach And Grandmaster Reiki Healer

Hey, I’m Amrita:
Life Coach And Grandmaster Reiki Healer

A life coach and granadmaster healer and I use advanced healing and mindset transformation modalities like Reiki, Inner Child Healing & Life Coaching that get you closer to your desired success and abundance.

I always thought that the reason why I felt disconnected from my reality is that I have not done enough in my career or life, but in reality, I was suffering from an overachiever’s childhood trauma.

The same happened to me. What started off as me finding the reasons behind why I feel dissatisfied and unhappy despite having everything ended up with me having shocking revelations about myself.

I realized that my misery was less about “I haven’t done enough” and more about “WHY was I doing it”. 

On my journey of self-development and healing, I learned so much about my patterns, my childhood trauma, how my mind was working against me, and how my inner child was running the show. 

I finally found the strength to break free from the negativity of my thoughts, heal my heart from the “I am not good enough” wound, become emotionally available to myself, and do a ton of inner work to increase my self-worth. 

And now, I would love to handhold you through this and help you make the right choice for yourself by finding and healing the deep-rooted causes of your current problems!

Follow me on Instagram