Take your coaching career beyond certification & start witnessing the real transformation by scaling your impact & income as a coach to 7-fig and more every month!

Being certified as a coach is easy. Signing your first client as a Coach or Healer, making your first 6-fig, and scaling to a consistent Rs 10lacs/month and more is easiest. I did it for myself without paid ads, sales funnel, landing page, website, marketing team, or even a payment link! And you are about to learn how to do it for yourself too. Ready?


People into healing their deepest inner blocks using healing


Annual income with 7-fig monthly income in 8 months as a Life Coach


LIVE sessions for Reiki & Chakra Healing


LIVE sessions for Reiki & Chakra Healing

Take a glimpse of the happiness of finally getting monetized as a coach!

Do you often find yourself complaining:


I have done life coaching from multiple coaches but I still haven’t understood how to earn as a coach or get consistent, high-paying clients.


I want to leave my 9-5 job and start my own business or side gig without any complications


The idea of starting something of my own excites me, however, I am clueless and lack the confidence to take the first step


I have always been a homemaker with zero work experience. I feel overwhelmed talking to people or asking money for my coaching


My coach focused on transformation but in reality, I had invested in this program mainly to monetize. As a result, I have transformed but it’s not reflected in my monetary condition


I am always anxious and operating in fear about meeting next month’s financial goals.


Though I believe in abundance at times feel negative, insecure about competition, and almost jealous of others’ success stories


Selling or pitching has always been a nightmare for me. I feel too scared & anxious when pitching a price.


I am running a business but not seeing the desired growth no matter how much I spend on marketing or advertising

If yes, here’s the truth – All mentors are ready to certify you or give self-transformation, but nobody is willing to take responsibility, and make sure you are making real money as promised!

Hence there are only 2 types of life coaches:

Type 1- Those who are paid for their coaching services

They started small, got certified, polished their knowledge & skills, upgraded their prices, and now are doing phenomenal work, earning crores through life coaching.

Type 2- Coaches who face challenges in getting paid

The second bunch, aspiring to earn crores like their mentor, experiences transformation but struggles to get monetized or create awareness. Trapped in a maze of shame, guilt, and perfectionism, they’re stuck comparing themselves to others, watching other coaches succeed while scratching their heads.

When you fall into the 2nd category, you are left with only 3 options:

1. You give up on this dream of earning lakhs and becoming financially independent through life coaching and be happy with self-transformation.

2. You invest a large sum of money into marketing and branding, building beautiful websites, may be hiring a team too but that also may not work out because you still struggle while pitching, selling, and getting monetized as a coach. You may get into the loop of changing marketers or pushing more budget into ads without realizing you actually need to align your nervous system first in order to get monetized without bleeding your savings.

3. You get the opportunity to be a part of a life coaching program that includes business coaching, marketing sales, money coaching, and trauma healing. a combination of 5-6 types of coaching, and most importantly, a lifelong support program where your mentor is ready to take responsibility for your earnings.

The third option is exactly where the 10-week Life Coaching Certification – Be Unrecognizable You Mastermind comes in!

What makes this LIFE COACHING Workshop different than any other coaching program?

It’s not just a course, it’s a revolutionary recipe of 6 powerful methodologies that helped me create an 8-fig coaching business in less than 1 year:

10 weeks of intense life-changing coaching

Money energy upgrades through somatic work & ancestral healing

Advance LOA to manage your energy like a pro

Deep-rooted trauma Healing & Nervous System Regulation

International-level business coaching

Marketing & sales strategies (applicable to everyone coming for self-transformation & for professional life coaching)

A one-of-a-kind Life Coaching Program that truly transforms the entire bloodline of your family by empowering you to get monetized and scale as a 7 & 8-fig coach and massively change 1000s of lives!

Don’t believe it? See what these achievers have to say:

This is what your 10-week journey looks like:

Week 1 – Type of Seller

  • What kind of seller are you: Angry seller, Lost seller or Apologetic seller
  • Through your permanent Conscious identity creation ( CIC)
  • Social media awareness
  • Creating our 1:1 coaching offer/ professional target/entrepreneur’s target & ALOA techniques to achieve it energetically within next 9 weeks.

    Week 2 – Values

    • Our core values highlight what we stand for.
    • Values guide our behaviors, decisions, and actions.
    • When you know what you value, you can live in accord with those values. 
    • When you don’t know your values, you violate them daily & feel lost.
    • Elimination process to arrive at 5 core values for each student
    • Discussing marketing & sales strategies to achieve the offer created in week 1

    Week 3 – DTB

    • We will be working on building specific thoughts that are required for you to create your desired results. 
    • We will also be learning how your unintentional or undesired results show up in your reality.
    • Live assignments on DTB will begin from this session.
    • DTB will be the base of success from here on.

    Week 4 – Nervous System Safety (Part 1)

    • Our thoughts produce our feelings & vice versa 
    • Eg. I haven’t signed a single client in July or August
    • I am probably not good enough 
    • Ohh I am so confused 
    • I am always overwhelmed 
    • I am probably not meant for this work. 
    • Am I doing the right thing?

    Week 5 – Nervous System Safety (Part 2)

    • Creating solid structure to our unsafe feelings
    • Work on getting over the overwhelm 
    • Understanding the name of feeling behind every emotion 


    I feel overwhelmed – Fear 

    I feel unsure – scared 

    I feel underconfident- fear of judgement


    • Undergoing a structural activity that changes you by the time you finish this session.

    Week 6 – Perfectionism & How it Impacts Life

    • Shame & perfectionism 
    • What part of our life do we hide when we get
    • Obsessed with perfectionism 
    • Who I truly am behind these layers of shame.
    • Things we need to let go of – structural activity 
    • Process of working on shame & guilt will begin from this session.

    Week 7 – Business Metaphysics (Part 1)

    • Working on learning to rely on the energetic intelligence of business rather than using our own body/brain intelligence to run the business.
    • Creation of LBE that has emotions, and can speak to you 
    • What your professional entity should not be?
    • Career is not your baby
    • Not a marker of self-worth]
    • It is not your revenge on other people
    • Not something you need to control

    Week 8 – Business Metaphysics (Part 2)

    • Communicating with your professional entity LBE
    • Being in alignment with voice & oracle of your business 
    • Circumstances when your LBE stops communicating 
    • How do we listen to our professional entity?
    • Your business talks to you through your NERVOUS SYSTEM.

    Heavy VS Light 

    Contracted VS spaciousness  

    Fearful VS joyful 

    Pressured VS Ease 

    Anxiety VS Clear thinking

    Week 9 – Facing the Challenges

    • Understanding challenges 
    • Understanding everything that’s lacking in us & creating a full proof plan of action to get over fears.
    • Nervous system regulation on each challenge we have found out.
    • Sales vortex meditation for shifting your sales game at DNA level

    Week 10 – Decision making

    • Understanding how NOT TO TAKE A DECISION based on live activity performed in our session.
    • Understanding how our past decisions were taken randomly to get over all shame & regrets over the past
    • Detoxifying our relationships 
    • Sales vortex meditation for shifting your sales game at DNA level

    Life Coaching is much more than motivation or goals.

    Here’s how Life Coaching is being perceived in the Indian market:

    • Mainly motivational model.
    • More focus on self-transformation rather than helping coaches upgrade their monetary game.
    • Focus is mainly on goals, success roadmap oriented & not sure shot result oriented.
    • As a result such programs make you feel great but don’t help you largely for earning money the way you dreamt of.

    Here’s how Life Coaching is being done at an international level:

    • A life coach to his/her student is a
      Business coach
      Energy coach
      Money coach
      Confidence coach
      Crisis management coach
    • And that’s exactly why they charge insane amounts as their fees and yet fully booked for years.

    The extra PUSH that makes all the difference:


    Weekly accountability with our team on your ALOA schedule prepared by me (Coach Amrita)


    Best performers get an opportunity to coach the next batch along with me (Coach Amrita).


    Process for the upgradation of money energy starts from overview meeting.


    Support sessions to focus more on scalability for working professionals/entrepreneurs & creating life coaching mentors


    A lifetime support twice a month post 10 weeks are over.


    Complimentary 4 weeks REIKI+ ICH course self-paced videos.

    Total worth of this 10-week Life Coaching Certification – Be Unrecognizable You Mastermind:


    TOTAL WORTH Rs. 4,50,000/-

    Including exciting bonuses:

    • Free EFT Certification which we will launch worth Rs.7999/-
    • Free Access to 30 Days Advanced Healing Program worth 5999
    • Free Access to 5 Days Bootcamp Recordings
    • Free Access to Abundance Affirmation Morning Routine which we all coaches use.
    • Sales vortex written scripts
    • All session PPTs that you directly use for coaching.

    Fast action-taker offer

    INR 1,50,000/-

    Pre-book the offer with just INR 10k

    And pay the remaining amount with in 30 days!

    Got some questions? I have got you covered…

    Take control of your journey to success!

    Ready to supercharge your understanding of our program? Don’t let doubts hold you back.

    Click the button below now to book a call with our experts and get all your questions answered. Seize this opportunity to unlock your full potential – your success story starts with a single click!

    Checkout Few FAQ’s here:

    Who can join this program?

    This program is for 

    • Working professionals
    • Homemakers
    • Students
    • Unhappy or stuck in careers
    • Anxious about money
    • Coaches/healer aiming to earn consistent 6-fig Income
    What will be the medium of delivery?

    The sessions will happen LIVE on Zoom.
    Session links will be provided in the WhatsApp group.

    What will be the primary language?

    This program will be conducted in English + Hindi

    Do I have to spend a lot on marketing to earn this 6 figure income?

    You do not have to spend ANY MONEY on marketing till you make 6 figure income per month consistently. That’s what we teach you under this Life Coaching program.

    Will this be a live coaching or a recorded version?

    This will be totally 10 week LIVE coaching conducted by Master Amrita Kunal & each session recording will be shared with you after the session.

    Hey, I’m Amrita:
    Life Coach And Grandmaster Reiki Healer

    Hey, I’m Amrita:
    Life Coach And Grandmaster Reiki Healer

    A life coach and granadmaster healer and I use advanced healing and mindset transformation modalities like Reiki, Inner Child Healing & Life Coaching that get you closer to your desired success and abundance.

    I always thought that the reason why I felt disconnected from my reality is that I have not done enough in my career or life, but in reality, I was suffering from an overachiever’s childhood trauma.

    The same happened to me. What started off as me finding the reasons behind why I feel dissatisfied and unhappy despite having everything ended up with me having shocking revelations about myself.

    I realized that my misery was less about “I haven’t done enough” and more about “WHY was I doing it”. 

    On my journey of self-development and healing, I learned so much about my patterns, my childhood trauma, how my mind was working against me, and how my inner child was running the show. 

    I finally found the strength to break free from the negativity of my thoughts, heal my heart from the “I am not good enough” wound, become emotionally available to myself, and do a ton of inner work to increase my self-worth. 

    And now, I would love to handhold you through this and help you make the right choice for yourself by finding and healing the deep-rooted causes of your current problems!

    Follow me on Instagram