Master the world’s best modality to heal stuck childhood trauma patterns and emotional blockages from past by becoming a certified Inner Child Healer and earning 6-figure/month as a coach!

Master the world’s best modality to heal stuck childhood trauma patterns and emotional blockages from the past by becoming a certified Inner Child Healer and earning 6-figure/month as a coach!

📣 Join a FREE 3-hour intensive workshop where you will learn how to bring permanent shifts by overcoming past traumas, fears, and limiting blocks, and become a sought-after 6-fig coach/healer by mastering the most powerful modality of Inner Child Healing.

7th September 2024 | Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM IST


People into healing their deepest inner blocks using healing


Annual income with 7-fig monthly income in 3 months as a Life Coach


Coach mentees earning 6-Fig per month (check success stories below)


Inspired actions taken every day to massively impact the collective

I did it, they did it, so can you!

Do you often find yourself stuck in these situations?


Are you a life coach or healer who is struggling to monetize your coaching skills even after investing in expensive courses?


Do you find it difficult to create the right course and determine the best modality to help your clients?


Do you often feel inadequate and stuck in your coaching career, lacking the support and guidance of a mentor?


You pour your heart and soul into your coaching skills, yet struggle to turn them into a profitable business that sustains your livelihood.


No matter how much time you spend curating the right coaching/healing program, you fail to convert your leads into high-paying clients because they don’t get convinced


You hear your client’s saying “I don’t have money” and then you see them investing on some other program


You feel stuck in the loop of giving discounts or lowering your prices only to regret later on seeing your bank account

If you could relate to even one of these, you are at the right spot!

Here’s the thing – getting certified as a healer or coach is easy. But the real coaching career begins when you get 100% support and accountability from your mentor in terms of creating the course, and marketing roadmap, attracting high-ticket clients, and getting monetized just how you desire.

7th September 2024 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM IST

Hear it from these coaches & healers who finally cracked the code of giving lasting transformation to clients while scaling their coaching career to 6-fig per month and more!

Now it’s your time to go ahead and claim the growth, impact, and income that you truly deserve!

Here’s exactly what you are going uncover in this 3-hour Inner Child Healer Introduction Workshop

Create an ICH-based coaching program from scratch for all levels.

Build the energy, vibe, and connection with your audience.

Get proven structure & design for a 5-Day Bootcamp & 30-Day Program that can work for anyone & everyone.

Strategies to monetize your programs as a coach & create high-ticket offers

🏆Create breakthrough moments for your students using my ICH case studies & give powerful transformations to your clients so that they become your lifelong connections.

7th September 2024 | Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM IST

You are the perfect fit for this 3-hour Inner Child Healer
Introduction Workshop if:

You are a growth-oriented individual seeking self-transformation for a deeper understanding of your inner world

Get an internal fulfillment in helping people improve their lives 

You are a 9to5 corporate employee looking to build a long-lasting sustainable side business 

You are a life coach aiming for a fixed source of income of 1 lac and above per month

You are a young employee, homemaker, or anyone who is struggling to gain clarity or to find out what your true calling 

You are struggling to keep your startup from falling apart in the face of adversities 

You have probably done your coaching through a very big coach who can’t be contacted or you are only allowed to be in touch with their team as a result you are totally on your own

Your coaching program did not have lifetime support on monetization & all micro monetization strategies were not taught to you

7th September Saturday 2024 | SATURDAY 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM IST

Meet Your Mentor Amrita

Meet Your Mentor Amrita

A life coach and grandmaster healer and I use advanced healing and mindset transformation modalities like Reiki, Inner Child Healing & Life Coaching that get you closer to your desired success and abundance.

I always thought that the reason why I feel disconnected from my reality is that I have not done enough in my career or life, but in reality, I was suffering from an overachiever’s childhood trauma.

The same happened to me. What started off as me finding the reasons behind why I feel dissatisfied and unhappy despite having everything ended up with me having shocking revelations about myself.

I realized that my misery was less about “I haven’t done enough” and more about “WHY was I doing it”. 

On my journey of self-development and healing, I learned so much about my patterns, my childhood trauma, how my mind was working against me, and how my inner child was running the show. 

I finally found the strength to break free from the negativity of my thoughts, heal my heart from the “I am not good enough” wound, become emotionally available to myself, and do a ton of inner work to increase my self-worth. 

And now, I would love to handhold you through this and help you make the right choice for yourself by finding and healing the deep-rooted causes of your current problems!

Still having some questions?
We have got you covered!

Who can join this program?

This program is for 

  • Working professionals
  • Homemakers
  • Students
  • Unhappy or stuck in careers
  • Anxious about money
  • Coaches/healer aiming to earn consistent 6-fig Income
What will be the medium of delivery?

The sessions will happen LIVE on Zoom. The links will be provided in the WhatsApp group. So make sure you join it after making the payment.

Do I need to bring anything?

Just bring your best self with a read-to-learn mindset & a pen, notebook, and water bottle, in case you feel thirsty. Also, it would be great if you ascertain no disturbance during the session for the best results.

Do I have to spend a lot on marketing to earn this 6 figure income?

You do not have to spend ANY MONEY on marketing till you make 6 figure income per month consistently. That’s what we teach you under this Life Coaching program.

Would there be a Q & A Session?

Yes. Everyday session would have an interaction segment to clarify any queries of participants. All sessions include tasks which require active participation of all to get the maximum personal benefit.

What will be the primary language?

This program will be conducted in English + Hindi

I want to discover and gain clarity on a good career option for me. Will this help me?

Yes, definitely! This program will provide you with valuable insights, self-reflection exercises, and guidance to help you discover and gain clarity on career options that align with your passions, values, and uniqueness.

7th September 2024 | SATURDAY 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM IST

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