Unleash the ultimate energy hidden inside you to experience a 360° transformation with 5 most powerful healing techniques Reiki + Bramha Nadi + Cord Cutting + Ida & Pingla Nadi in just one masterclass

Put an end to stressful, anxious, negative feelings and align with enhanced abundance in your health, wealth, career, relationship, and personal growth

📅 29th September 2024 (Sunday), 9:00 am


People into healing their deepest inner blocks using healing


Annual income with 7-fig monthly income in 8 months as a Life Coach


Revenue for coaches & healers through monetization & certification programs

What makes this workshop different?


You are not asked to follow any complex manifestation, the law of attraction, or morning routines, unlike any other workshops. 

You only need to attend the sessions LIVE and your problems will be taken care of by Coach Amrita herself through her power healing!

 📣 Just attend the sessions LIVE & experience the magic unfolding without following any complex daily routine!

Watch this video to understand exactly how this “Mindset Reset & Advanced Healing” webinar will transform your life inside out:

3-hour Mindset Reset & Advanced Healing Bootcamp

📅 29th September 2024 (Sunday), 9:00 am

3 hours Online Masterclass by Grandmaster Amrita

See what these people have to say about their healing journey✌️

Imagine, how would it be if you realize the source of  the BIGGEST ROADBLOCK stopping you from achieving your desires and feel more balanced and aligned with your highest self by healing these blocks once and for all…

  • Do you get irritated when people don’t treat you well?
  • Do you see a repetitive set of fears stop you from achieving big in life?
  • Do you carry undefined body pain, grudges, and anger that are not related to any of your experiences but stop you from being fully confident, happy & healthy?
  • Do you constantly struggle with earning, owning, or managing money & constantly fall into overspending, debt, or over-hoarding?
  • Overthinking, anxiety, and sleepless nights are becoming common in your day-to-day life and you don’t know the solution?
  • You feel unheard, undervalued & often ignored in your relationships because you fail to express your emotions?

Here’s the truth

No morning routine, manifestation technique, journaling or coaching
will help you get past your fears and achieve what you want until you find out the root cause of your blockages and heal them from within.

But once you do that, you will experience


Improved relationships with your partner, parents, in-laws, kids, colleagues, etc


Clear understanding of what exactly you want in life and improve decision-making ability


Better physical, emotional and mental health 


Accelerated growth in your career


High levels of energy and positivity throughout the day


True sense of peace, calmness and happiness that comes from within


Renewed relationship with money where you no longer feel the lack of it in your life


Increased awareness of your true intuition and sixth sense

✔️All you need to do is attend the sessions LIVE for & I GUARANTEE that you will experience the magic unfolding within you without doing anything after that!

3-hour Mindset Reset & Advanced Healing Bootcamp

📅29th September 2024 (Sunday), 9:00 am

3 hours Online Masterclass by Grandmaster Amrita

Here’s what you are going to learn in this 3 hours Workshop:

– Understanding what trauma is and how each one of us has it within ourselves

– Discovering your individual trauma responses

– Finding out toxic relationship patterns that keep you stuck

– LIVE cord-cutting & reiki healing experience

– Creating a roadmap for permanent healing

– LIVE Brahma Nadi & Ida Pingala Nadi healing experience

Just attend the sessions LIVE & experience the magic unfolding without doing any complex daily routine!

3-hour Mindset Reset & Advanced Healing Bootcamp

📅 29th September 2024 (Sunday), 9:00 am

3 hours Online Masterclass by Grandmaster Amrita

I did it, they did it & so can you!

Hi, I am Amrita

Hi, I am Amrita

A life coach and grandmaster healer, I use advanced healing and mindset transformation modalities like Reiki, Inner Child Healing and life Coaching that get you closer to your desired success and abundance.

I always thought that the reason why I felt disconnected from my reality was that I had not done enough in my career or life, but in reality, I was suffering from an overachiever’s childhood trauma.

The same happened to me. What started off as me finding the reasons behind why I feel dissatisfied and unhappy despite having everything ended up with me having shocking revelations about myself.

I realized that my misery was less about “I haven’t done enough” and more about “WHY was I doing it”. 

On my journey of self-development and healing, I learned so much about my patterns, my childhood trauma, how my mind was working against me, and how my inner child was running the show. 

I finally found the strength to break free from the negativity of my thoughts, heal my heart from the “I am not good enough” wound, become emotionally available to myself, and do a ton of inner work to increase my self-worth. 

And now, I would love to handhold you through this and help you make the right choice for yourself by finding and healing the deep-rooted causes of your current problems!

Still having some questions?
We have got you covered!

Who can join this program?

This program is for 

  • Working professionals
  • Homemakers
  • Students
  • People with health issues
  • Relationship concerns
  • Unhappy or stuck in careers
  • Anxious about money
How will this healing program help me?

Our 2-hour healing masterclass makes you aware of emotional patterns that are keeping you stuck, and unhappy in life and how you can successfully get over emotions such as fears, insecurities, anxiety, low confidence & self-esteem, self-doubts, lack of belief system, etc. You start understanding the sources of problems & sure shot & most effective ways of healing those problems.

I live in other time zones. How can I attend the workshop?

The time of this workshop is primarily based on the IST time zones. So, you will need to match your time zone to attend the workshop. This program isn’t time-bound, so you can attend anytime and experience the same effect. All you need to do is attend LIVE to experience the magic. (Since we are offering different slots to attend live sessions, anyone in a different time zone can easily attend the workshop. We effortlessly cater to students from the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore, UAE, Thailand, etc.)

What will be the medium of delivery?

The sessions will happen LIVE on Zoom. The links will be provided in the WhatsApp group. So make sure you join it after making the payment.

Do I need to bring anything?

Just bring your best self with a read-to-learn mindset & a pen, notebook, and water bottle, in case you feel thirsty. Also, it would be great if you ascertain no disturbance during the session for the best results.

Can I shift to the next batch if I cannot attend the batch I enrolled in?

We don’t allow the shifting of batches. You will have to enroll again to attend the next batch.

I am suffering from anxiety & depression. Will this help me?

 For sure. We would be happiest to heal all your traumas & hopefully get you off medicines. 

Does this healing require any type of medicine intake?

No, not all. But many times it leads to stopping medicines meant for stress, anxiety and panic attacks.

I feel lost and confused when it comes to decision-making. Will this help me?

Certainly, Inner child healing will make you realize the source of this ‘feeling lost & confused’ whereas reiki will help you remove these unwanted feelings from the root.

I have had traumatic relationship experiences in the past. Will this help me?

All traumatic relationships are inner child traumas so here you will find the answer for why you attracted such experiences in your life in the first place & then how to release them so as to break the repetitive pattern of attracting traumatic toxic relationships.

What is Cord Cutting?

Cord cutting is a ritual where we cut the energetic ties that bind us with another human or with any negative emotion or situations that are harmful, draining or not meant for our higher good.

In our 5 days, 2 days are dedicated to LIVE HEALING, including cord-cutting ritual. Here we experience cord-cutting on various energy centers i.e. chakras. We do it on toxic people as well as on emotions. Our focus is on the heart, solar plexus, root & sacral chakra.

What is Bramha Nadi Activation?

Nadi Shastra (nadi- Meridien points) is one of the oldest Vedic shastra to tackle emotional & physical issues. 

We humans are born with 72000 nadis out of which 4 important nadis govern our major wellbeing. These are brahma nadi, sushmna nadi, Ida & Pingala nadi.

And in our 5 days, we will be having the most magical experience of activation of Brahma Nadi that’s located above our third eye chakra through symbol healing given by master healer Amrita Kunal.

 In just 10 minutes you will be able to feel difference within yourself because that’s how powerful our body functions.

 📣 You only need to attend the sessions LIVE and your problems will be taken care of by Coach Amrita herself through her power healing!


No recordings will be provided as the whole purpose of this bootcamp is

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