Experience a permanent change in yourself in Just 30 days with the Most Powerful healing techniques, ‘ Reiki & Inner Child healing

Take the first step to change the quality of your life. Hop on a journey of self-awareness and identify the roadblocks blocking your success. Identify the root cause of self-doubting nature, low self-confidence, weak personal boundaries, fears, and so much more.


People into healing their deepest inner blocks using healing


Annual income with 7-fig monthly income in 8 months as a Life Coach


LIVE sessions for Reiki & Chakra Healing

Answer this question honestly. To Uncover Truths about you


Do you get irritated when people don’t treat you well?


Do you feel like you are often taken for granted?


Do you see a repetitive set of fears stop you from achieving big in life?


Do you feel like there are some unfulfilled desires from your childhood?

If you nod with every passing sentence,

you must stick with me until the end.

You’re the one who always sacrifices your interests just to please people around you.

You always feel irritated when your efforts don’t get reciprocated.

You’re scared of trusting people because of some childhood incident of yours.

All this is because of a wounded child that wasn’t healed inside you.

Your childhood traumas, past experiences, and tragic events have rooted some beliefs in you that limit you from coming out and enjoying life wholly.

This is where I help you.

With Reiki and Inner Child Healing, you experience a pattern of balancing and aligning your chakras which helps you unblock your problem areas.

Once you’re healed from the inside, you start attracting what you actually desire, and things start happening in your favour.

Look At How People Healed Their Inner Child ✌️

Just attend the sessions LIVE & experience the magic unfolding without doing any complex daily routine!

30-Day Inner Child Healing And Reiki Healing ✌️

😀 Live Sessions – Monday to Friday

📅 Morning : 5:00 AM IST

This isn’t any other manifestation course, but a proven way to change your present by working on your past

 📣 Just attend the sessions LIVE & experience the magic unfolding without following any complex daily routine!

How Can Inner Child Healing & Reiki Help You?✌️

No sort of morning routine, manifestation technique, journaling or coaching will help you get past your fears and achieve what you want, until you find out the root cause of your blockages and work on them from within.

In 30 Days, you will experience:


Improved relationships with your partner, parents, in-laws, kids, colleagues, etc


Clear understanding of what exactly you want in life and improve decision-making ability


Better physical, emotional and mental health 


Accelerated growth in your career


High levels of energy and positivity throughout the day


True sense of peace, calmness and happiness that comes from within


Renewed relationship with money where you no longer feel the lack of it in your life


Increased awareness of your true intuition and sixth sense

Want to get a glimpse of how we will do it?
Watch the video below:

Week 1

  • Energy Ball Reiki For Each Student
  • Angel Reiki
  • 7 Chakra Balancing 1 Hour Reiki Session
  • Generational Trauma Reiki
  • Healing Mother’s Childhood
  • Healing Father’s Childhood
  • Womb Healing Process
  • Generational & Inter-Generational Trauma, Dysfunctional Families

Week 2

  • Meeting Your Inner Child From 0 To 18 Years
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Unfulfilled Childhood Needs
  • What Inner Child Wants To Hear

Week 3

  • Entire Week Dedicated To Releasing Triggers
  • Triggers & Coping Mechanisms
  • Adulthood Triggers
  • Childhood Triggers Part 1
  • Childhood Triggers Part 2

Week 4

  • Inner child retreat
  • Supportive universe
  • forgiveness
  • Gratitude
  • Money energy upgradation

30-Day Inner Child Healing And Reiki Healing ✌️

😀 Live Sessions – Monday to Friday

📅 Morning : 5:00 AM IST

This isn’t any other manifestation course, but a proven way to change your present by working on your past

 📣 Just attend the sessions LIVE & experience the magic unfolding without following any complex daily routine!

The value of this course is
Rs. 1,50,000/-

But you don’t have to pay anywhere near that!

Not Rs 1,00,000/-

Not Rs 50,000/-

Not even Rs 20,000/-

Your Price to Access This Life Changing Program 👇


Only for today is Rs. 5,999/-

(with a lifetime subscription to course videos)

30-Day Inner Child Healing And Reiki Healing ✌️

😀 Live Sessions – Monday to Friday

📅 Morning : 5:00 AM IST

This isn’t any other manifestation course, but a proven way to change your present by working on your past

 📣 Just attend the sessions LIVE & experience the magic unfolding without following any complex daily routine!

What makes this Program Stand Out Of Other Programst?


You are not asked to follow any complex manifestation, the law of attraction, or morning routines, unlike any other workshops.

✔️ You only need to attend the sessions LIVE and your problems will be taken care of by Coach Amrita herself through her power healing!

Not Only This , But You will Also Get

Lifetime access to an exclusive Facebook group.

Free access to new updates on modules.

Free access to a customised healing session of 2.5 hours

30-Day Inner Child Healing And Reiki Healing ✌️

😀 Live Sessions – Monday to Friday

📅 Morning : 5:00 AM IST

This isn’t any other manifestation course, but a proven way to change your present by working on your past

They Did It & So Can You!

 📣 Just attend the sessions LIVE & experience the magic unfolding without following any complex daily routine!

Hey, I’m Amrita:
Life Coach And Grandmaster Reiki Healer

Hey, I’m Amrita:
Life Coach And Grandmaster Reiki Healer

I was going through a very tough time when I finally decided to use Reiki for healing. I was a Reiki grandmaster but never used it until my mother was on her deathbed. From being unable to move to perfectly celebrating festivals with us, Reiki has shown its power to me.

That day, I decided to change people’s lives, too, with the magical power of Reiki.
On my journey of self-development and healing, I learned so much about my patterns, childhood trauma, how my mind was working against me, and how my inner child was always on the forefront.

But, I finally found the strength to break free from the negativity of my thoughts, heal my heart from the “I am not good enough” wound, become emotionally available to myself, and do a ton of inner work to increase my self-worth.

I use advanced healing and mindset transformation modalities like Reiki, Inner Child Healing & Life Coaching that get you closer to your desired success and abundance.

My perception was that I was disconnected from reality because I did not do enough in my career or life. Still, I was suffering from the traumas associated with being an overachiever.

Universe has its way of making things happen. What started as me finding out why I feel dissatisfied and unhappy resulted in me having shocking revelations about myself.

I realized that my misery was less about “I haven’t done enough”, and more about “WHY was I doing it”.

Taking all my learnings together now, I would love to handhold you through your journey of self-discovery and help you make the right choice for yourself by finding and healing the deep-rooted causes of your current problems!

30-Day Inner Child Healing And Reiki Healing ✌️

😀 Live Sessions – Monday to Friday

📅 Morning : 5:00 AM IST

This isn’t any other manifestation course, but a proven way to change your present by working on your past

Still Confused If This Program Is For You Or Not
Let me solve it for you!

Who can join this program?

This program is for 

  • Working professionals
  • Homemakers
  • Students
  • People with health issues
  • Relationship concerns
  • Unhappy or stuck in careers
  • Anxious about money
How will this healing program help me?

Our 30-day healing program makes you aware of emotional patterns that are keeping you stuck, and unhappy in life and how you can successfully get over emotions such as fears, insecurities, anxiety, low confidence & self-esteem, self-doubts, lack of belief system, etc. In 30 days, you will understand exactly the sources of problems & a sure shot & the most effective ways of healing those problems.

Do I need to bring anything?

Just bring your best self with a read-to-learn mindset & a pen, notebook, and water bottle in case you feel thirsty. Also, it would be great to ascertain no disturbance during the session for the best results.

I live in other time zones. How can I attend the workshop?

The time of this workshop is primarily based on the IST time zones. So, you will need to match your time zone to attend the workshop. This program isn’t time bounded, so you can attend anytime and experience the same effect. All you need to do is attend LIVE to experience the magic. (Anyone in a different time zone can easily attend the workshop. We effortlessly cater to students from the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore, UAE, Thailand, etc.)

Can I pay by credit card?

Yes payment via instamojo/razorpay has credit card facility

I am not earning but I wish to pay & become part of this program what do I do?

Getting into an earning frequency needs the energy upgrade so understand your priorities, create strong intention of being part of this life transforming program and we are sure you will be part of our 4 weeks journey. Remember its all about how badly you wish to come out of your current situation & ready to take strong action for achieving your goal.

I can’t attend live sessions due to my schedule then how would reiki work?

Reiki is an energy. And energy is not time or place bound. As long as you are committed towards your transformation, recorded or live wouldn’t make any difference. I myself have attended only recorded version & never even interacted with my mentor.

What if I can’t attend few sessions in these 4 weeks?

Its understandable that you might miss few sessions in a month. Nothing to worry about. Just go through recordings & in case of any doubt share it on our FB community. We will be there to help.

I can’t wake up at brahma muhurta 5 am how do I become part of this program? I wish to attend live.

Once you experience waking up at 5 & experiencing reiki at this magical hour you will certainly get addicted to sleeping on time & waking up at 5 am. Every person who wakes up at this hour regularly has gone through ‘disliking waking up early’ syndrome.

Waking up early also makes you feel you are in control of your life. And this is truly an empowering feeling to get addicted to.

So create this intention & you will certainly excel.

Will I understand what I wish to do in my life through this session?

100% YES. We work on unblocking third eye reiki chakra this gives total clarity & making you realise the purpose of your life.

Will I be able to get over my bitter past & current relationships?

Yes. Trigger release, customised healings & heart chakra unblocking are focused at you getting over anger, grudges, insecurities, fears attached to people & relationships.

Is it your certification & monetisation program?

No this 30 days (4 weeks program) is your own transformation program where you go through a complete healing experience through ICH, customised healings & receiving reiki through me.

Can I become a certified healer after I go through the transformation?

100% yes. We are very clear only 5 days & 30 days programs are meant for your deep & permanent transformation. After this, all our other programs are meant for you to become a certified healer/coach, heal yourself further & create abundance & fulfilling life for yourself.

Me & my mom/sister/brother want to do this program together can we share the recordings between us?

These are intense healing modalities & every person has a separate life path & traumas to tackle. So 2 people even from the same family should not share this program if they wish to get 100% results as their doubts, observations & meaning of their breakthroughs would be totally different. Also, for any healing there should be an energy exchange between student & a healer to avoid negative karmic bonds.

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