Every answer you ever need for all your problems lies within yourself

Hi, I am Amrita Kunal, a Reiki Grandmaster & Life Coach

I help you dig into the deepest layers of your subconscious energy to heal and experience the truest form of lasting happiness, peace & abundance in all aspects of your life


People into healing their deepest inner blocks using healing


Annual income with 7-fig monthly income in 8 months as a Life Coach


LIVE sessions for Reiki & Chakra Healing


Inspired actions taken every day to massively impact the collective

“Just for today, I will find joy in even the smallest of life’s gifts. Just for today, I will feel at peace.” – Dr. Mikao Usui.

You become unstoppable once you get into the roots of your roadblocks! Just like they did

Have you ever thought…


Why do you make the same mistakes in life?


Why do you experience the same failure?


Why do you get stuck at the same place on repeat?


Why do you always feel low about yourself?


Why do you struggle in your relationships?


Why it always gets difficult to earn, manage & spend your money?


Why do your fears overpower your decision to take action?


Why do your dreams never make it to reality?

And why you can’t solve these problems despite attending several workshops, changing daily routines, reading self-help books, or watching endless motivational videos?

Because you don’t get to the real root cause that keeps you stuck in this vicious loop of fear, inaction, sadness & regret!

 📣 And that’s exactly where your journey begins when you join me…

You can only find the solution if you know the problem

This 5-Day intense healing program makes you aware of the emotional patterns that are keeping you stuck, and unhappy in life and how you can successfully get over emotions such as fears, insecurities, anxiety, low confidence & self-esteem, self-doubts, lack of belief system, etc.

In 5 days you exactly understand the sources of problems & apply the sure shot & most effective ways of healing those problems using Reiki & Inner Child Healing.

The best part? You are not asked to follow any complex manifestation or morning routines or techniques. All you need to do is attend the sessions live & let the coach do all the work for you.

You will keep experiencing the same outcomes until you change your patterns –

Once you get aware of the areas you need to work on through the 5-Day program, the next step you take is working on the problem areas and healing them once and for all from within.

Understand this, Reiki & Inner Child Healing are not something you can undo. Once you heal your roadblocks using the Reiki energy, you don’t go back to your previous self ever.

This 30-Day journey takes you on a beautiful path of connecting your subconscious, unblocking your chakras, and aligning yourself to the highest life force energy so that you come out as a revived 2.0 version of yourself at the end

Reiki Healing Certification

You experienced the power of Life Force Energy in transforming your life 360 degrees. What now?

Become a Reiki Healing and extend your wisdom to more people and help them eliminate the blockages that keep them stuck all their lives. Just like I did for you!

And remember, Reiki energy never ends, it only compounds. So every time you give or take reiki, you experience a different breakthrough and see the ripple effects in others around you too.

Get inspired by those who trusted the process & changed their lives forever!

Hey, it’s me!

Hey, it’s me!

Amrita Kunal, your Reiki Grandmaster & Life Coach. I use advanced healing and mindset transformation modalities like Reiki, Inner Child Healing & Life Coaching that get you closer to your desired success and abundance.

I always thought that the reason why I feel disconnected from my reality is that I have not done enough in my career or life, but in reality, I was suffering from an overachiever’s childhood trauma.

The same happened to me. What started off as me finding the reasons behind why I feel dissatisfied and unhappy despite having everything ended up with me having shocking revelations about myself.

Want to connect with me at a personal level & get real-time updates on all programs?

Want to know where I spill the real tea about Reiki, Inner Child Healing & everything Life Coaching exclusively?